Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day 108: Post Wedding Chop?

I've never been a fan of short hair. Did it once, hated it and vowed to never do it again. So when I heard of the 'post wedding chop' (girls chopping all their long hair they grew out for years for that perfect wedding 'do) I knew I wouldn't be participating. However, big stylists with pixie cuts in fancy salons seem to think the shorter, the better.

Here's the story...
The haircut didn't work out yesterday. They were crazy crowded and after waiting an hour, Kate and I decided to be good little employees and head back to work instead of spending the entire afternoon waiting on a cheap haircut.

Luckily, Richard Joseph was prepared for the crowd and offered us vouchers to come back in the next few weeks and get our charitable new 'do. I booked my appointment for today during lunch.

They assigned me a stylist, which was fine. I didn't have a preference. The shampoo/condition was unbelievable. Having major headaches everyday, this is one girl who could use a good head massage. It was so relaxing....

I get upstairs and give my usual spill about how I like a few layers b/c of the crazy curls and I just want it shaped up. She asked if I'd like just an inch off, but I told her let's go wild and do 2...I was sure to let her know that I didn't want to go too short because I have extremely curly hair and it will shrink another 2-3 inches when I wear it that way.

Well 30 minutes later as she rounded my shoulder and came to cut the front, I realized that 2 inches had somehow turned into 4.5 and I now had much shorter hair. Too late to speak up, I hoped for the best. With her styling and apparent lack of knowledge in how to straighten extremely curly hair..i left feeling pretty down.

[insert sad face here]

after getting home though..and playing with it...and hearing the praises of my sweet husband. I'm coming around.....

Let's just hope it grows out a bit before the dead heat of the Alabama summer rolls in because the curls can't hide in that kind of humidity.

Kate was going this afternoon. *fingers crossed* that she comes out looking fab!

But it goes to show that expensive is not always better. There's no way I'd pay $100 to go back to this salon!! (disclaimer: I'm sure not all experiences with Richard Joseph are bad and will vouch that is a very classy place. This is just my story!)


Tyler and Carmen said...

I like the hair!

Emily Ann said...

I love your hair! I think it looks great!

PS-TAG! Check my blog for instructions.